Morgan Stanley IT
1. Why MS?
2. Why Equity Research?
3. Presentation experience?
4. Teamwork that someone is not pulling his weight.
5. Why current university?
6. Based on your current courses and your study, why are you interested in this position?
7. They asked about the details of my past internship.
8. Have read come equity research report before? What do you think of the report?In the presentation part, I had a case study for an airflght company. You need to compare it with competitor, and gave 2-3 reasons why you recommended this stock. You need to defense your answers and being confidence is the key of this part.
1. 问我是否了解数据仓库,因为我没有这方面的经验,所以没有继续问。问了我一些Python的基本知识,有一个关于Python的内存机制的问题我没有答上来,面试官也没有再深入的问了。
2. 问了我一些关于数据分析和数据挖掘的基本知识,问我用过哪些模型和算法,没有深入的问算法的实现,只是结合项目问。
3. 你谈一个自己参与过的项目吧?回答:用户相关的。。。
4. 场景题:支付宝的应用很多,我们会有一些用户的数据:比如用户停留在某个应用上的时间,用户浏览过的一些应用,还有些与时间相关的用户数据,你能基于这些数据分析出什么,或者提供给产品一些改进意见。(大概是这样,具体的有些忘记了)回答:。。。然后就大概这样结束了。
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