趋势科技招聘 前端工程师 内推码 9246
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===========================================================================- 工作职责:
1.Develop new user-facing features 2.Build reusable code and libraries for future use 3.Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs 4.Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability 5.Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to back-end 6.Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
- 任职资格:
1.Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS3 2.Excellence work on Node.js 3.Proficient understanding of client-side scripting and JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery 4.Good understanding of asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX 5.Basic knowledge of image authoring tools, to be able to crop, resize, or perform small adjustments on an image. Familiarity with tools such as Gimp or Photoshop is a plus. 6.Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them. 7.Two years’ experiences on Front-end Web Developer position for commercial projects 8.Good English writing and speaking 9.Self-motivation and teamwork
趋势科技在1988年创建于美国硅谷,目前在全球69个国家和地区设有分公司,员工总人数7000人。我们专为消费者、企业以及政府机构设计安全解决方案,是全球最大的独立安全整体解决方案提供商。趋势科技是被客户公认的终端安全、云安全和服务器安全方面的世界领导者,其入侵检测系统和入侵预防系统结合人工智能发现异常的技术,采用高速网络数据采集,深得全球客户赞赏和推崇。趋势科技还拥有全球最先进的威胁情报网络——趋势云安全智能保护网络,它基于大数据分析和机器学习技术,并得到数百个趋势科技安全专家和漏洞专家的支持。趋势科技在全球有超过50万家企业客户和上亿级终端客户,全球前 50 家企业就有48家是趋势科技的客户,此外,全球顶尖10大汽车、银行、电信以及石油公司100%皆为趋势科技客户。
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