运行ID 题目
得分 运行时间(ms) 使用内存(KB) 代码长度
75396906 Tokitsukaze and Dragon's Breath 答案错误 85.18 291 91864 1205 C++ 2025-02-06 17:30:55
75396750 Tokitsukaze and Dragon's Breath 答案错误 85.18 334 178364 1306 C++ 2025-02-06 17:29:01
75396058 Tokitsukaze and Dragon's Breath 答案错误 85.18 315 178360 1306 C++ 2025-02-06 17:20:38
75392606 Tokitsukaze and Dragon's Breath 答案错误 85.18 327 178364 1319 C++ 2025-02-06 16:43:06
75392493 Tokitsukaze and Concatenate Palindrome 答案正确 100 82 936 1197 C++ 2025-02-06 16:42:00
75392052 Tokitsukaze and Concatenate Palindrome 答案错误 49.06 82 1040 1159 C++ 2025-02-06 16:37:45
75391776 Tokitsukaze and Concatenate Palindrome 答案错误 28.30 81 956 1150 C++ 2025-02-06 16:35:01
75391051 Tokitsukaze and Concatenate Palindrome 答案错误 30.19 85 984 1115 C++ 2025-02-06 16:27:44
75390697 Tokitsukaze and Concatenate Palindrome 答案错误 33.96 79 980 1060 C++ 2025-02-06 16:24:17
75389559 Tokitsukaze and Dragon's Breath 答案错误 0 498 191168 1430 C++ 2025-02-06 16:13:11